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New Yearbook Photo Guidelines for 2023

Starting with the 2023-24 school year, the industry has created a new set of standards for photographers submitting images for the ySchool Yearbook.

The school picture industry offers a variety of products and services to students and schools. These are often used in conjunction with yearbooks and other products. A system that facilitates the easy combination of the products and services of different suppliers has a number of benefits. Currently, individual students and schools employ photographers to take photos. Each of these image takers involves a photo lab or digital imaging firm to convert the captured image into another format, such as prints, various digital formats, cards, etc. In the case of yearbooks, the publisher takes the images and converts them to a printed page, employing yet another method for image creation. When the students and schools use more than one photographer, and the photographers and the different labs generate distribution data sets in their own formats, it is more difficult, time consuming and costly to coordinate the data, images and publishing of yearbooks. By using a standard format, a greater number of vendor choices would exist for the school and increase the level of satisfaction.

You can download the new complete guidelines at the School Photographers of America web site. Here is the link:

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