Eric Miller - Owner of MillerFoto is also a
Board Member of the prestigious
School Photographers of America.
School Photographers of America was formed during the COVID-19 pandemic when the entire US closed. On March 26th, 2020 – ten companies shared this vision and founded what we know today as School Photographers of America or SPOA. In a period of one of our country’s most trying times, these leaders and their staff rallied to build an organization that protected the copyright law for pictures and the national awareness of our industry. School photography has been a staple for schools and parents across the United States for generations. School pictures are used every day for student safety through products like ID Cards, safety cards, digital directories and urgent safety initiatives like Amber Alerts. In addition, other industries rely on school photography for the creation of their products such as yearbooks, administration software, online learning and many more. School photography plays an integral part in all US public and private schools.