Let Us Introduce You To A Simpler, Safe and Local Church Photography Program!
How would you like your church photography to be SIMPLE? We offer your congregation a FREE Online Church Directory, QUICK sessions and NO PRESSURE to buy. We have a program that will make it MUCH EASIER and SAFER than ever before!
Advantages To Your Church:
•FREE ONLINE DIRECTORY for your congregation
Click this link for a sample of the online directory
•QUICK multi-image photo session
•Members see images immediately on their phone or computer
•Members can order from wide selection of pictures & products online
•Competitive photo pricing
•Multiple backgrounds can be offered
•Members can choose their picture for online directory
•Members could receive vouchers toward purchases
•Your church can sell ad space on your online diretory to make money!
•Touchless! Safer process for seniors and families!
•Fun to see and have record of your whole congregation each year
•Option to use images for printed directory or other purposes